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Six to Watch "Young Talent on the Rise" - Symphony Magazine

“Forcefully Balletic” - The Boston Globe

“Tremendous” The New York Times


"A solo virtuoso revitalizes the art of percussion" - The Lindy Hopper


"Circuits and Skins"  - review of Northern Nights by Paul Dooley


"Created for a Star, Northern Nights reaches new heights in Percussion Music"


Composiciones de Puerto Rico y las Américas protagonizan concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica de PR

New York Classical Review


Second Inversion -Album REVIEW


leNouvelliste - Canadian Review


 "Pegher proved that in an expert's hand's, percussion instruments can be just as expressive as a violin or a piano." -Southbend Tribune


"South Bend audience among first to hear new percussion concerto" -Southbend Tribune

"New Jersey Symphony Orchestra's Vigorous "Wounded Healer" powered by Lisa Pegher's Percussion"

"Percussionist Pegher Rocks The Clay"

“A globe-trotting soloist of increasing prominence” -The Boston Music Intelligencer

“The lights dim, then darken is the intimate confines of The Cell. A single spotlight glows over a drum set in center stage. One figure emerges from the corner, picks up two drumsticks, and pounds out a jarring thwackk…”  Sharon Mizarahi (The Lindy Hopper NYC)
-Chris McGovern (The Glass NYC)

“Pegher has an uncanny feel for the vibraphone’s sound. While mostly used as a jazz instrument with soft mallets that give it a mellow, sweet tone Pegher found a stark tone that made the instrument sound dark and tragic”
-The Charleston West Virginia Gazette

“Concerto ‘Nails’ Marimba’s place in the orchestra”
-Pittsburgh Tribune Review

“Pegher’s part was just bass drum, playing dirge-like rhythms, but again she showed a splendid ear for tone, drawing whispers to thunder from the seemingly one-dimensional instrument”
-The Charleston South Carolina Gazette

“NEPA Philharmonic ends season on a Vibrant Note” -Scranton Times

The Glass Blog Interview with Chris McGovern

Richard Danielpour to write new percussion concerto for Lisa Pegher

Percussion and Purity by Lawrence Cosentino

Time Out New York
Pounding out Schwantner -  Michigan’s City Pulse Magazine

Symphoria drums in the Season 

Lisa Pegher in Residency with UCLA Composition Department


2024: All rights reserved by Lisa Pegher & Lisa P Music Productions, LLC

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